Regret is a feeling that everyone experiences at some point in life. It can be a whisper in the back of your mind or a heavy weight on your chest. But how do we express it in words that truly capture its depth?
That’s where similes come in! A simile compares two things using “like” or “as” to create strong imagery. Instead of simply saying, “He felt regretful,” you can say, “His regret hung over him like a storm cloud ready to burst.”
In this article, we’ll explore 35 powerful similes for regret, divided into categories based on different aspects of remorse.
Whether you’re writing stories, poetry, or simply reflecting on emotions, these similes will help you convey regret in a vivid way.
Similes for the Weight of Regret
Regret often feels heavy, like carrying an unbearable load. These similes express that burden.
1. Like a boulder on my chest
- Meaning: Describes regret as something suffocating and oppressive.
- Example: His past mistakes sat like a boulder on his chest, making it hard to breathe.
2. As heavy as a sack of wet sand
- Meaning: Describes regret as something exhausting and difficult to carry.
- Example: The regret of leaving her behind was as heavy as a sack of wet sand, dragging him down.
3. Like chains wrapped around my soul
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that restricts and holds a person back.
- Example: His unspoken words clung to him like chains wrapped around his soul, never letting go.
4. As suffocating as a tight collar
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that chokes and overwhelms.
- Example: The memory of his betrayal was as suffocating as a tight collar, leaving him breathless.
5. Like an anchor pulling me into the depths
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that drags a person down emotionally.
- Example: His guilt felt like an anchor pulling him into the depths, drowning him in sorrow.
Similes for Lingering Regret
Regret doesn’t just disappear—it lingers, haunting the mind. These similes reflect that lasting pain.
6. Like a ghost whispering in my ear
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that constantly haunts a person.
- Example: Every time she smiled, his broken promise returned like a ghost whispering in his ear.
7. As persistent as an old wound
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that never fully heals.
- Example: The regret of lost time was as persistent as an old wound, aching with every memory.
8. Like a shadow that never leaves
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that follows a person everywhere.
- Example: No matter how much he tried to move on, his regret remained like a shadow that never leaves.
9. As clinging as wet clothes on a cold day
- Meaning: Describes regret as something uncomfortable and hard to shake off.
- Example: The regret of not speaking up was as clinging as wet clothes on a cold day, chilling her to the bone.
10. Like a song stuck in my head
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that plays over and over in the mind.
- Example: His last words to her repeated like a song stuck in his head, refusing to fade away.
Similes for the Pain of Regret
Regret can feel like emotional pain—sharp, aching, and unbearable. These similes express that agony.
11. As sharp as a dagger to the heart
- Meaning: Describes regret as something deeply painful.
- Example: The realization of his mistake was as sharp as a dagger to the heart, cutting through his soul.
12. Like stepping on broken glass
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that brings constant pain.
- Example: Every memory of that night felt like stepping on broken glass, painful and unavoidable.
13. As bitter as medicine you can’t swallow
- Meaning: Describes regret as something hard to accept.
- Example: The truth of his failure was as bitter as medicine he couldn’t swallow, leaving a terrible taste in his mouth.
14. Like an open wound exposed to salt
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that worsens with time.
- Example: Seeing her again was like an open wound exposed to salt, stinging with renewed pain.
15. As cold as a winter’s night without shelter
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that leaves a person feeling empty and alone.
- Example: His unspoken apology left him as cold as a winter’s night without shelter, shivering in loneliness.
Similes for the Irreversibility of Regret
Regret often comes from knowing something can’t be undone. These similes capture that sense of finality.
16. Like a river that can’t flow backward
- Meaning: Describes regret as something irreversible.
- Example: No matter how much she wished, time was like a river that can’t flow backward.
17. As permanent as ink on paper
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that leaves an unchangeable mark.
- Example: His mistakes were as permanent as ink on paper, staining his reputation forever.
18. Like a shattered mirror that won’t reflect the same
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that changes everything forever.
- Example: Their friendship was like a shattered mirror that won’t reflect the same, broken beyond repair.
19. As final as a locked door with no key
- Meaning: Describes regret as something that closes opportunities forever.
- Example: Walking away from his dreams felt as final as a locked door with no key.
20. Like a flame that has burned out
- Meaning: Describes regret as the realization that something is gone forever.
- Example: His love for her was like a flame that has burned out, leaving behind only ashes of regret.
Conclusion: The Many Shades of Regret
Regret can be heavy, haunting, painful, and permanent.
These similes help put words to this complex emotion, making it easier to express in writing or conversation.
Which simile resonated with you the most? Do you have one of your own? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 😊